A book or a film review
I read a book called "97 maneres de dir t'estimo".
It was a thriller story about two youngsters called Àngela and Francesc.
In tha story Àngela tells Francesc that theu have a common past.
They have a new live. the story is very complicated but I liked it.
I love the book bacause it exciting and funny.
diumenge, 18 de maig del 2008
diumenge, 6 d’abril del 2008
Summary of the movie Ratatuille
Ratatuille is funny!
The main character of the film Ratatuille is a rat that is called
Remí. He loves cooking, but he was discovered and hadto escape.
Lost in Paris, he finds another restaurant and remains there,
making human friends, reagrouping whith his family and he,
finally opens a new restaurant.

Madonna is an American pop singer. She was born in Bay City, Michigan in august 1958 and she studied dance at superior school Rochester Adam High School.
When she was younges she like dancing and singing. At the age of 26 she writes the first CD. The second CDwas "like a Virgin" and it was very succesful.
Now Madonna is married and she live in London. She likes dancing and writhg.
Madonna is an American pop singer. She was born in Bay City, Michigan in august 1958 and she studied dance at superior school Rochester Adam High School.
When she was younges she like dancing and singing. At the age of 26 she writes the first CD. The second CDwas "like a Virgin" and it was very succesful.
Now Madonna is married and she live in London. She likes dancing and writhg.
dilluns, 18 de febrer del 2008
A good brother
My brother’s name is Ernest.He’s eiteen and he lives in Barcelona and the weekend go to Banyoles.
Ernest is a very good brother. I like him because he’s cool. We sometimes disagree- he likes listening loud music, but I hate it!!!!!
We sometimes go to the skating club. I like go to the cinema with him. We play tennis.
My brother’s name is Ernest.He’s eiteen and he lives in Barcelona and the weekend go to Banyoles.
Ernest is a very good brother. I like him because he’s cool. We sometimes disagree- he likes listening loud music, but I hate it!!!!!
We sometimes go to the skating club. I like go to the cinema with him. We play tennis.
From: Blanki
Hi Alex,
My name´s Blanca and I´m eleven years old. I´m from Banyoles, in Catalonia.
I´m interested in music. My favourite singer is Rihanna. My other interests are jazz and contemporary dance.
What´s your name and surname?
How old are you?
Where are you from?
What town or city are you from?
dijous, 10 de gener del 2008
Writing-"My name's Blanca...
My name's Blanca. I live in Banyoles, in Catalonia. I get up at eight o'clock in the morning. Then I have a shower and get dressed. I have breakfast with my mother. I start school at nine o'clock.
I sometimes late.
I have lunch at my home. At five o'clock finish school and we go home. At seven I do my homework andtalk my friends on the phone. I love my family!!!
I sometimes late.
I have lunch at my home. At five o'clock finish school and we go home. At seven I do my homework andtalk my friends on the phone. I love my family!!!
dimecres, 12 de desembre del 2007
the USA goes green
The USA goes green
In February 2oo7, the film An inconvenient Truth won the Academy Award (Oscar) for the best documentary. The film stars Al Gore, the Vice President of the USA from 1993 to 2001. In the film, Gore tries to convince Americans to take action against global warming, and he discusses what will happen in the future if the situation continues.
In February 2oo7, the film An inconvenient Truth won the Academy Award (Oscar) for the best documentary. The film stars Al Gore, the Vice President of the USA from 1993 to 2001. In the film, Gore tries to convince Americans to take action against global warming, and he discusses what will happen in the future if the situation continues.
What are the consequences of global warming? Accordins to Gore, the ice-caps in the North and South poles will continue to melt. This will make the level of the sea rise and low-lying cities will flood. Millions of people will need to move to safer areas. There will be more hurricanes like Katrina, the hurricane that destroyed the city of New Orleans in 2005.
However, the United States governament isn't doing much to help the situation.
In 2001,37 countries around thw world signed the Kyoto Treaty. These countries promised to reduce carbon emissions - gases that cause global warming. The USA did not sign the traty even though the USA produces about 25% of the world's pollutants. Many Americans are tryi ng to make the public more aware of evironmental issues. Evironmental groups are putting pressure on their government to change its policies. But time is running out. According to An Inconvenient Truth and Gore, Americans have got ten years to make changes - after that it will be too late.
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