dimecres, 12 de desembre del 2007

the USA goes green

The USA goes green

In February 2oo7, the film An inconvenient Truth won the Academy Award (Oscar) for the best documentary. The film stars Al Gore, the Vice President of the USA from 1993 to 2001. In the film, Gore tries to convince Americans to take action against global warming, and he discusses what will happen in the future if the situation continues.
What are the consequences of global warming? Accordins to Gore, the ice-caps in the North and South poles will continue to melt. This will make the level of the sea rise and low-lying cities will flood. Millions of people will need to move to safer areas. There will be more hurricanes like Katrina, the hurricane that destroyed the city of New Orleans in 2005.
However, the United States governament isn't doing much to help the situation.
In 2001,37 countries around thw world signed the Kyoto Treaty. These countries promised to reduce carbon emissions - gases that cause global warming. The USA did not sign the traty even though the USA produces about 25% of the world's pollutants. Many Americans are tryi ng to make the public more aware of evironmental issues. Evironmental groups are putting pressure on their government to change its policies. But time is running out. According to An Inconvenient Truth and Gore, Americans have got ten years to make changes - after that it will be too late.

dimarts, 11 de desembre del 2007

The United States of America


The United of America is located in North America. Is it the fourth largest country in the world and is 9,629,091 km2 in size. The USA consists of 50 states. Forty eight states are between the Atlantic Ocean in the east and the Pacific Ocean in the west. The other two states are Hawaii and Alaska.
Because the United States is such a large country, it varies tremendously in climate conditions. Generally, the northern areasof the USA have got extremely cold winters with heavy snowfall. The western and southern areas generally have very hot summers and higher rainfall.
The United States has got a diverse topography. The Apalachian Mountains are in the east and the Rocky Mountains (the "Rickies") are in the west. Along the northern border there are the five "Great Lakes": Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Some of the country's major river are the Hudson, the Colorado, the Missourivand the Mississippi. It was along some of these rivers that the early colonists settled. The United States has got a variety of mineral resources such as gold, silver, petroleum, iron, mercury and zinc. There are also huge oil eserves in Alaska.

dimecres, 5 de desembre del 2007

English progect 1

English project 1